
Secondhand smoke exposure linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes

Secondhand smoking is linked with pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth and tubal ectopic pregnancy, according to new research from scientists at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) and the University at Buffalo ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Improving birth outcomes one amino acid at a time

A simple dietary supplement (L-arginine) was found to improve birth outcomes, paving the way for future clinical trials to test this inexpensive and safe intervention.


Classes reduce pregnancy complications for stressed mothers

(Medical Xpress)—Pregnant women with moderate to high levels of stress and anxiety are at higher risk for complications during pregnancy and delivery. However, Penn State researchers have developed an educational preparation ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Trans identification not tied to worse pregnancy outcomes

Transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse (trans) identification at the time of delivery is not significantly associated with severe parental morbidity or preterm birth, according to a research letter published online May ...

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