
Space around others perceived just as our own

A study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden has shown that neurons in our brain 'mirror' the space near others, just as if this was the space near ourselves. The study, published in the scientific journal Current Biology, ...


Are some brains wired for dance?

Whatever our age, dancing can have a hugely beneficial effect on our physical and mental wellbeing. It can help us to maintain or build muscle tone, flexibility and stamina, while also releasing endorphins which can ease ...


How the brain makes rapid, fine adjustments in motor activity

Short-term motor learning appears not to require physical change in the brain Brain's premotor cortex may use a 'neural scratch pad' to calculate fine adjustments Brain can try different things in simulation without 'screwing ...


Golf: The neuroscience of the perfect putt

Sports fans across the world watched the American golfer Tiger Woods roll in a putt to win the PGA tour's season ending Tour Championship on September 23. His victory caps a remarkable comeback from personal struggles and ...


Brain connections power automatic and conscious behaviour

(Medical Xpress)—What determines whether you deal with new situations in a flexible manner or simply act out of habit? A team of psychologists have discovered that this is predicted by the strength of specific connections ...


Profound reorganization in brains of adults who stutter

Hearing Beethoven while reciting Shakespeare can suppress even a King's stutter, as recently illustrated in the movie "The King's Speech". This dramatic but short-lived effect of hiding the sound of one's own speech indicates ...

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