Psychology & Psychiatry

Early poor mental health link to early puberty

(Medical Xpress)—Children who have an earlier onset of puberty have poorer mental health from as early as preschool age, a new study by Murdoch Childrens Research Institute has found.


Early intervention for premature infants increases IQ

Babies born prematurely are at higher risk of having a lower IQ and impaired cognitive and motor skills. Programs aimed at helping these infants and their families once they leave the hospital have been found to increase ...


Link ID'd for introduction of fish, childhood wheeze

(HealthDay)—The introduction of fish between the ages of 6 and 12 months, but not consumption afterward, correlates with a reduction in the risk of wheezing in children at age 48 months, according to a study published online ...

Medical research

New insights into how humans learn to walk

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study has revealed that as humans learn to walk the two basic patterns of stepping present in the newborn remain unchanged and two new patterns are added at the toddler stage. This development process ...

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