Sleep disorders

Childhood sleep apnoea is common but hard to diagnose

The cessation of breathing during sleep caused by enlarged tonsils is common in preschool-age children and can cause serious complications, but the methods normally used to diagnose the condition are subjective and unreliable. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kindergarteners' mathematics success hinges on preschool skills

While many studies have been conducted on infants' and preschoolers' math competencies, few have evaluated how toddlers' basic mathematics knowledge relates to early elementary school success. Now, in a study funded by the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Concussion can alter parent-child relationships

The incidence of concussion is particularly high in the preschool years - up to around 2% of children aged 0 to 5 years per year. A study by researchers at CHU Sainte-Justine mother-child research hospital (affiliated with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Developmental psychology: Friendship wins out over fairness

When children decide to share, the giver's relationships with the pool of recipients determine who gets how much. They will give more to a wealthy friend than to a needy stranger - at least in cases where wealth is measured ...

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