Psychology & Psychiatry

Report: 1 in 5 of US adults on behavioral meds

More than 20 percent of American adults took at least one drug for conditions like anxiety and depression in 2010, according to an analysis of prescription data, including more than one in four women.


FDA chief's long-promised opioid review faces skepticism

As U.S. opioid deaths mounted in 2016, the incoming head of the Food and Drug Administration promised a "sweeping review" of prescription painkillers in hopes of reversing the worst overdose epidemic in American history.


News attorneys: Opioid distribution data should be public

Attorneys for news organizations argued Thursday that the U.S. public should be allowed to see federal data about how prescription opioids were distributed as the nation's overdose crisis was worsening.


Kiwis missing out on free prescription medicines entitlement

Many New Zealanders are not getting free prescriptions when they should and these people are likely to include our most vulnerable, new findings from an ongoing University of Otago and Victoria University study into equity ...

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