
Why 'smart drugs' can make you less clever

It is an open secret: while athletes dope their bodies, regular office workers dope their brains. They buy prescription drugs such as Ritalin or Provigil on the internet's flourishing black market to boost their cognitive ...

Medical research

'Darwinian' test uncovers an antidepressant's hidden toxicity

Because of undetected toxicity problems, about a third of prescription drugs approved in the U.S. are withdrawn from the market or require added warning labels limiting their use. An exceptionally sensitive toxicity test ...


Q&A: Additional opinions helpful in treating back pain

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am in my late 50s and have an active lifestyle. I have had two prior surgeries for a herniated lumbar disk. Recently, I began to have leg pain, which occurred previously, so I believe I must have another ...


Managing pain in the age of opioids

The data supporting the use of opioids to treat chronic, non-cancer pain is quite weak, says Michael Ashburn, director of the Penn Pain Medicine Center at the Perelman School of Medicine. As few as one in five patients may ...

Medical research

Loose RNA molecules rejuvenate skin, researchers discover

Want to smooth out your wrinkles, erase scars and sunspots, and look years younger? Millions of Americans a year turn to lasers and prescription drugs to rejuvenate their skin, but exactly how that rejuvenation works has ...

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