
Why some surgeons are prescribing opioids to patients' spouses

Strict safety protocols for prescribing opioids may have an unintended consequence: Some surgeons seem to be prescribing opioid painkillers to the spouses of patients undergoing surgery, according to a recent study led by ...


FDA chief's long-promised opioid review faces skepticism

As U.S. opioid deaths mounted in 2016, the incoming head of the Food and Drug Administration promised a "sweeping review" of prescription painkillers in hopes of reversing the worst overdose epidemic in American history.


Could time limits on opioid prescriptions reduce misuse?

Most people who get a prescription for opioid painkillers to ease the pain of an operation or dental procedure fill it right away. But a new study shows that some fill these prescriptions more than a month later—long after ...


CDC proposes softer guidance on opioid prescriptions

The nation's top public health agency on Thursday proposed changing—and in some instances, softening—guidelines for U.S. doctors prescribing oxycodone and other opioid painkillers.


If prescribed opioids for pain, ask lots of questions: FDA

(HealthDay)—If your doctor prescribes opioid painkillers such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine or morphine for you, there are a number of questions you should ask, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises.

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