
US officials target escalating drug overdoses

(HealthDay)—As deaths from heroin and prescription painkillers mount across the United States, government officials are searching for ways to stem the toll of addiction.


NY authorities say $170M pill ring shut down

Authorities say they've shut down several New York City medical clinics and arrested two dozen people in a scheme to sell more than 5 million prescription painkillers on the black market.


US urges acetaminophen limits due to liver risks

US regulators said Wednesday they are urging doctors to cease prescribing drugs that contain more than 325 milligrams of acetaminophen per tablet due to concerns over liver damage.


Reality TV star discusses addiction recovery

(HealthDay)—At first glance, the story of Michael Paul Sorrentino is a classic rags-to-riches tale: A fitness store employee and model is struck by Hollywood lightning in his mid-20s, transforming him from a virtual unknown ...

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