Psychology & Psychiatry

Uncovering links between grit and cognitive function

A new analysis of the personality trait of grit found that people who showed higher levels of grit also had different patterns of cognitive performance—but not necessarily enhanced cognitive performance. Nuria Aguerre of ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

The mindful way to manage stress among elite athletes

Just like the saying, 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going', elite athletes are known for their stamina and determination. But nearly a third of professional athletes struggle with mental health.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What you do every day matters: The power of routines

The word "routine" can bring to mind words like mundane or ordinary. During the pandemic's disruptions to daily life, routines may have felt boring and restrictive. However, as an occupational therapist and researcher of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to deal with anxiety, stress when the world feels overwhelming

Anxieties are heightened around the world as Russia continues its attacks on Ukraine. Those who continuously monitor the European situation, as well as the ongoing political strife in the U.S. and the global pandemic, can ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What is walking meditation?

For Thich Nhat Hanh, the late Vietnamese monk who popularized mindfulness in the West, walking was not simply a way to get from one place to another, or an activity to be reserved for a perfect forest path. It could be a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to reduce stress and increase focus? Consider mindfulness

Are you worried about maintaining your New Year's resolutions, or otherwise just stressed out about the latest COVID-19 surge as the pandemic drags into another year? Two Rutgers School of Nursing–Camden professors who ...

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