Obstetrics & gynaecology

Interconception preventive care and pregnancy complications

Pregnancy complications can recur, and interconception preventive care may help reduce some pregnancy complications. Preventive visits after an index pregnancy were associated with reduced hypertension in the subsequent pregnancy, ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Microbiome therapy protects against recurrent bacterial vaginosis

A product containing healthy vaginal bacteria has proved effective against recurrent bacterial vaginosis (BV), an extremely common vaginal infection that is associated with preterm birth, HIV infection and problems with in ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Maternal gum disease may be connected to preterm birth

Women with preterm births may be more likely to have gum disease compared to those with full-term births, according to research presented at EuroPerio10, the world's leading congress in periodontology and implant dentistry ...

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Preterm birth

In humans, preterm birth refers to the birth of a baby of less than 37 weeks gestational age. Premature birth, commonly used as a synonym for preterm birth, refers to the birth of a premature infant. Because it is by far the most common cause of prematurity, preterm birth is the major cause of neonatal mortality in developed countries. Premature infants are at greater risk for short and long term complications, including disabilities and impediments in growth and mental development. Significant progress has been made in the care of premature infants, but not in reducing the prevalence of preterm birth. The cause for preterm birth is in many situations elusive and unknown; many factors appear to be associated with the development of preterm birth, making the reduction of preterm birth a challenging proposition.

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