Cutting HIV in drug users can benefit others' AIDS mortality

(HealthDay)—Efforts to curb HIV transmission among people who inject drugs (PWID) and non-injecting drug users (NIDUs) may reduce AIDS and AIDS-related mortality among heterosexuals, according to a study published in the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does Facebook use affect body image in teen girls?

"Appearance exposure" on the Internet has been linked to body image disturbance among adolescent girls. A new study that links specific Facebook activities, but not overall Facebook use to body dissatisfaction and a drive ...


Lighting up can bring you down in colorectal surgery

Infection, pneumonia, blood clots and kidney failure are all possible complications after any major surgery. A new study shows that smoking boosts the risk of such complications following some of the most common colorectal ...


Farmers' market coupons up produce purchases for poor

(HealthDay)—Health Bucks, a farmers' market incentive coupon program, increases access to produce in low-income communities, according to research published online Aug. 29 in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's ...

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