Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health patients will answer when asked about firearms

When patients receiving care for mental health were asked to complete a standardized questionnaire that included the question, "Do you have access to guns?" most provided a response, according to a Kaiser Permanente study ...

Medical research

HRT update: therapy may reduce fractures, boost some risks

(HealthDay) -- Updated evidence on hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women presents good news for those at risk of osteoporosis, but a mixed bag of results regarding breast cancer and other chronic diseases.


USPSTF affirms evidence-based methods for smoking cessation

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concludes that there is substantial net benefit for behavioral and pharmacological therapies for smoking cessation, alone or combined. These findings form the basis of a final ...


Future obesity may be predicted at 3.5 years of age

Researchers can predict which children are most likely to become obese by examining their mothers' behaviour around their birth, according to a recent University of Montreal study published in the Archives of Pediatric and ...

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