Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New bird flu strain seen adapting to mammals, humans

A genetic analysis of the avian flu virus responsible for at least nine human deaths in China portrays a virus evolving to adapt to human cells, raising concern about its potential to spark a new global flu pandemic.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Could flu someday be prevented without a vaccine?

Researchers have discovered a way to trigger a preventive response to a flu infection without any help from the usual players - the virus itself or interferon, a powerful infection fighter.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

First death by vampire bat in US

A teenager from Mexico became the first person in the United States to die after being bitten by a vampire bat and infected with rabies, US health authorities said on Thursday.


CDC preparing vaccine for new swine flu

(HealthDay) -- Only 29 human cases of a new strain of "swine" flu have been identified in two years, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is making sure it's prepared should the H3N2 strain become more ...

Oncology & Cancer

Panel: Boys should get HPV vaccine given to girls

(AP) -- A vaccine against cervical cancer hasn't been all that popular for girls. It may be even a harder sell for boys now that it's been recommended for them too.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Man who got smallpox vaccine passes milder infection to sex partner

(HealthDay)—A man recently vaccinated for smallpox under a U.S. Defense Department program passed a milder, related form of the disease on to a man he had sex with, and that man then passed it on to yet another man, federal ...


Researchers report metric of immune system's biological clock

A new study published in Nature Medicine from scientists at the Technion, Stanford and CytoReason describes for the first time ever a way to quantify a person's "immune age." This game-changing capability provides a much ...

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