Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

China scrambles to keep cities in virus lockdown fed

The manager of the Wushang Mart in Wuhan, the locked-down city at the heart of China's virus outbreak, says its shelves are loaded with 50% more vegetables and other food than usual to reassure jittery customers.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Lab boost for precious anti-malaria drug

US scientists on Wednesday said they had used baker's yeast to make a key ingredient of malaria drugs, a feat that could iron out fluctuations in supply caused by sourcing the chemical from a Chinese herb.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

China virus cases rise again, 66 more on ship in Japan

China reported a rise in new virus cases Monday, possibly denting optimism that disease control measures including isolating major cities might be working, while the operator of a cruise ship in Japan reported dozens of new ...