Medical research

Researchers look into the brains of chronic itch patients

It's long been known that scratching evokes a rewarding and pleasurable sensation in patients with chronic itch. Now, researchers in the Department of Dermatology and Temple Itch Center at Temple University School of Medicine ...


Remapping the damaged brain

Scientists at the RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies, along with researchers from the AIST Human Technology Research Institute in Japan, have identified a time-dependent interplay between two brain regions that contributes ...


Targeted brain stimulation aids stroke recovery in mice

When investigators at the Stanford University School of Medicine applied light-driven stimulation to nerve cells in the brains of mice that had suffered strokes several days earlier, the mice showed significantly greater ...


Why mirror neurons play a part in jubilation

The FIFA World Cup starts next Thursday in Brazil. When you, as a football fan, join in the celebrations because your favourite team wins or are extremely crestfallen at a defeat then the so-called mirror neurons are in play.

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