Oncology & Cancer

New study illuminates why cancers caused by BRCA mutations recur

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Basser Center for BRCA at the Abramson Cancer Center have discovered factors that may make breast and ovarian cancers associated with BRCA1/2 gene mutations more likely to recur.

Medical research

Cell competition may explain cancer relapses, research suggests

A normal process called cell competition, in which healthy tissues eliminate unhealthy cells, could be responsible for cancer relapses in patients months or years after they were declared cancer-free, a new study by UT Southwestern ...

Medical research

Extracellular viscosity linked to cancer spread

New research findings show how higher viscosity, or resistance to flow, of the extracellular fluid that surrounds cells enables cancer cells to migrate more rapidly from a primary tumor to other sites in the body.

Oncology & Cancer

Cellular cilium an early sign of mesothelioma differentiation

A new study has investigated the expression of the primary cilium in mesothelioma, finding that primary cilia is preferentially lost in the more aggressive subtype of mesothelioma and further research may confirm its potential ...

Medical research

Dissemination of bone metastasis linked with bone remodeling

Years to decades after breast tumors have been removed, cancer may return or metastasize in other organs. Bone is frequently affected by metastasis and in the current study published in the journal Cancer Discovery, a team ...

Medical research

How tumors suppress the development of metastases

Why do metastases often only appear after the original tumor has been surgically removed? Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) and the Mannheim Medical Faculty of Heidelberg ...

Oncology & Cancer

Biosensor detects brain tumors with less than a drop of blood

Despite significant advances, mortality from brain tumors remains high with five-year survival rates of 36%, according to the National Cancer Institute. More accurate diagnoses might improve the situation, but tissue biopsies ...

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