Oncology & Cancer

Observing the mechanism of metastasis for the first time

Metastasis, or the formation of secondary tumors, is a leading contributor to the vast majority of deaths related to cancer. The exact mechanisms for how broken cellular function appears in cells far removed from a cancer's ...

Oncology & Cancer

The evolution of a tumor

The results of evolution are often awe-inspiring—from the long neck of the giraffe to the majestic colors of a peacock—but evolution does not always create structures of function and beauty.

Oncology & Cancer

New method for better treatment of breast cancer

A new study shows that a novel imaging-based method for defining appropriateness of breast cancer treatment is as accurate as the current standard-of-care and could reduce the need for invasive tissue sampling. The results ...

Oncology & Cancer

The role of immune cells in the formation of metastases

Tumor cells use a certain type of immune cell, so-called neutrophils, to enhance their ability to form metastases. Scientists from the University of Basel and the University Hospital of Basel have deciphered the mechanisms ...

Oncology & Cancer

New study illuminates why cancers caused by BRCA mutations recur

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Basser Center for BRCA at the Abramson Cancer Center have discovered factors that may make breast and ovarian cancers associated with BRCA1/2 gene mutations more likely to recur.

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery could lead to better cancer immunotherapy

A type of white blood cell previously known only as a helper in the immune system appears also to be the instigator of the body's defenses against cancerous tumors. The discovery could lead to more effective cancer immunotherapy, ...

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