Oncology & Cancer

Cancer cells take over blood vessels to spread

In laboratory studies, Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center and Johns Hopkins University researchers observed a key step in how cancer cells may spread from a primary tumor to a distant site within the body, a process known ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tumors change their metabolism to spread more effectively

Cancer cells can disrupt a metabolic pathway that breaks down fats and proteins to boost the levels of a byproduct called methylmalonic acid, thereby driving metastasis, according to research led by scientists at Weill Cornell ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover epigenetic status determines metastasis

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Heidelberg University have investigated in mice how spreading tumor cells behave at the site of metastasis. Some tumor cells immediately start to form metastases. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer cells coordinate to form roving clusters

Two-way communication between cancer cells appears to be key to their becoming motile, clustering and spreading through metastasis, according to Rice University scientists.

Oncology & Cancer

Predicting metastasis from primary tumor size

A new mathematical model uses the size of a cancer patient's initial, primary tumor to predict whether undetectable secondary tumors are already present. Stefano Avanzini and Tibor Antal of the University of Edinburgh, U.K., ...

Oncology & Cancer

Chemotherapy following radiation treatment slows disease progress

A chemotherapy regimen consisting of procarbazine, CCNU, and vincristine (PCV) administered following radiation therapy improved progression-free survival and overall survival in adults with low-grade gliomas, a form of brain ...

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