Oncology & Cancer

'Lock-'n'-block' drug may prevent cancer from metastasizing

"They got all of it" are the reassuring words people hope to hear following cancer surgery, but a growing understanding of the science of how cancer spreads, and metastasizes, is suggesting that not only is this almost never ...

Oncology & Cancer

The role of immune cells in the formation of metastases

Tumor cells use a certain type of immune cell, so-called neutrophils, to enhance their ability to form metastases. Scientists from the University of Basel and the University Hospital of Basel have deciphered the mechanisms ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer cells in mice tricked into turning into fat cells

As cancer cells respond to cues in their microenvironment, they can enter a highly plastic state in which they are susceptible to transdifferentiation into a different type of cell. Researchers at the University of Basel ...

Oncology & Cancer

Observing the mechanism of metastasis for the first time

Metastasis, or the formation of secondary tumors, is a leading contributor to the vast majority of deaths related to cancer. The exact mechanisms for how broken cellular function appears in cells far removed from a cancer's ...

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