
Study: Big brains allow dexterous hands

People are skilled with their hands, but take a long time to learn dexterous abilities. It takes babies generally around five months before they can purposely grip an object. Learning more complicated skills such as eating ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain molecule identified as key in anxiety model

Boosting a single molecule in the brain can change "dispositional anxiety," the tendency to perceive many situations as threatening, in nonhuman primates, researchers from the University of California, Davis, and the University ...


For better deep neural network vision, just add feedback (loops)

Your ability to recognize objects is remarkable. If you see a cup under unusual lighting or from unexpected directions, there's a good chance that your brain will still compute that it is a cup. Such precise object recognition ...


Brain growth inhibited by heavy alcohol use

Heavy use of alcohol among adolescents and young adults is not only dangerous in its own right, but new research in nonhuman primates shows that it can actually slow the rate of growth in developing brains.


Uncovering the evolution of the brain

What makes us human, and where does this mysterious property of "humanness" come from? Humans are genetically similar to chimpanzees and bonobos, yet there exist obvious behavioral and cognitive differences. Now, researchers ...


Analyzing half a million mouse decisions

Mice can be used to study the neural circuits underlying complex decision-making, suggests an analysis of more than 500,000 mouse decisions reported in JNeurosci.

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