Psychology & Psychiatry

New program available to reduce stress among teenagers

Families with a child completing elementary school this year are now preparing their registration for high school, a transition that is often stressful for children. A new program has demonstrated that it is possible to significantly ...


Private school vaccine opt-outs rise

Parents who send their children to private schools in California are much more likely to opt out of immunizations than their public school counterparts, an Associated Press analysis has found, and not even the recent re-emergence ...


Cost keeps many Americans from good dental care: report

(HealthDay) -- Although most Americans say their teeth are in relatively good shape, a newly published survey reveals that many are not getting routine dental checkups, with cost cited as the most common obstacle.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Harsh discipline fosters dishonesty in young children

Young children exposed to a harshly punitive school environment are more inclined to lie to conceal their misbehaviour than are children from non-punitive schools, a study of three- and four-year-old West African children ...


California pushes 1st US vaccine mandate for schoolchildren

California is poised to impose the nation's first coronavirus vaccine mandate for schoolchildren, a move announced Friday that could push other states to follow as many did after Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the first statewide ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

San Francisco to require vaccine proof at indoor venues

Worried that the highly contagious delta variant of the coronavirus could derail San Francisco's economic rebound, Mayor London Breed announced Thursday that the city will require proof of full vaccination at indoor restaurants, ...

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