
Cannabis users require more sedation for endoscopy

Patients who use cannabis required higher levels of sedation during gastric endoscopies than non-users, according to research to be presented at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2022. As cannabis is legalized in more places and ...


A simple blood sample indicates how serious a head trauma is

A simple blood sample to diagnose patients with traumatic brain injury is an innovation enabled by researchers at Örebro University. In a new study, reported in Nature Communications, they have identified biomarkers in the ...


US abortion trends have changed since landmark 1973 ruling

The abortion landscape has changed in the United States since the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. A leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision suggests a majority of justices support throwing out that ruling, ...


Sick patients may get cosmetic surgery to look healthier

Patients dealing with serious illnesses may want cosmetic procedures to make them look healthier, reports a small new Northwestern Medicine study. The patients believe cosmetic surgery may help them feel better in social ...


Optimizing deep brain stimulation in patients with dystonia

Recent discoveries made by researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin may prove vital in improving the treatment of dystonia, a neurological movement disorder. Published in PNAS, their findings show that very ...

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