
Root canal work not so bad after all

Root canal work is not as bad as people think when compared to other dental procedures. Self-reporting of their dental health suggests that patients find the procedure no worse than other dental work which overturns the popular ...

Medical research

Blood flow monitor could save lives

A tiny fibre-optic sensor has the potential to save lives in open heart surgery, and even during surgery on pre-term babies.


Sometimes, a non-invasive procedure will suffice

When a patient complains about chest pain, diagnosis will usually involve catheter angiography to evaluate the adequacy of blood supply to the heart. Researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin have now established ...


Why do people faint?

Maybe it's a bride standing in a hot chapel, or an exhausted runner after a race. It could be someone watching a medical procedure on television or a donor at a blood drive.


Simple scan could direct treatments for angina

A 40 minute test for angina could help patients avoid an overnight stay in hospital, according to research funded by the NIHR Guy's and St Thomas' Biomedical Research Centre.

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