
Heart surgery backlog requires urgent action

Urgent action is needed to clear the backlog of people with a common heart condition waiting for life-saving treatment, according to new research.


A simple blood sample indicates how serious a head trauma is

A simple blood sample to diagnose patients with traumatic brain injury is an innovation enabled by researchers at Örebro University. In a new study, reported in Nature Communications, they have identified biomarkers in the ...


Optimizing deep brain stimulation in patients with dystonia

Recent discoveries made by researchers from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin may prove vital in improving the treatment of dystonia, a neurological movement disorder. Published in PNAS, their findings show that very ...

Biomedical technology

New technology could make biopsies a thing of the past

A Columbia Engineering team has developed a technology that could replace conventional biopsies and histology with real-time imaging within the living body. Described in a new paper published today in Nature Biomedical Engineering, ...

Medical research

A non-hormonal pill could soon expand men's birth control options

Women have many choices for birth control, ranging from pills to patches to intrauterine devices, and partly as a result, they bear most of the burden of preventing pregnancy. But men's birth control options—and, therefore, ...

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