Medical research

Bringing artificial limbs to patients who need them

After Johnny Matheny lost his left arm to cancer in 2008, he was determined to find a worthy replacement. But he eventually had to choose between giving up on available prosthetic arms, which were uncomfortable and caused ...

Medical research

Technology offers hope of better bionic legs

(HealthDay)—Scientists say they're making progress toward developing a motorized artificial lower leg that automatically adjusts to changes in movement, such as from walking to using stairs.


New prosthetic arm controlled by neural messages

Controlling a prosthetic arm by just imagining a motion may be possible through the work of Mexican scientists at the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), who work in the development of an arm replacement ...


The quest for the bionic arm

In the past 13 years, nearly 2,000 veterans returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with injuries requiring amputations; 14 percent of those injured veterans required upper extremity amputations. To treat veterans with upper extremity ...


AANS: Brain machine interface can control prosthetic arm

(HealthDay)—A brain-machine interface can be used to control an anthropomorphic prosthetic arm with 10 degrees-of-freedom, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Neurological ...


New metric to track prosthetic arm progress

Amputees with a new prosthetic arm must learn how to use their device to perform everyday tasks that were once second nature. Taking off a shirt becomes a conscious, multistep effort: grasp the shirt, lift the shirt over ...


Development of prosthetic hands stagnated for 20 years: study

The development of body-powered prosthetic hands has stagnated for over twenty years. That is the main conclusion of a study by researchers from TU Delft and the University of Groningen into this type of prosthesis, which ...

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