Medical research

New prosthetic leg attaches directly to the bone

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the Royal National Orthopaedic hospital and the Royal Orthopaedic hospital, both in the U.K. have just completed the first stage of medical trials for a new type of leg prosthetic—instead ...


Ohio State surgeons rebuild pelvis of cancer patient

In a rare and medically remarkable operation, a multi-disciplinary team of surgeons at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute ...

Medical research

Bionic leg makes amputee faster on his feet

Craig Hutto considers himself part bionic man. In 2005, doctors amputated his leg after a shark attacked him during a fishing trip off the Florida Gulf Coast.


New limbs, new life for South Sudan amputees

Stephen, 12, romps confidently around the sunlit courtyard, weaving in between wheelchair-bound patients as he plays with the other children, his prosthetic leg barely a hindrance.

Medical research

Rapid Rehab: Smart insole to correct walking abnormalities

(Medical Xpress)—Move over Nike Plus. University of Utah (the U) professor Stacy Bamberg, of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is developing a shoe insole that can gather comparable data to Nike's popular line of ...


Perceiving prosthesis as lighter thanks to neurofeedback

Transmitting sensory signals from prostheses to the nervous system helps leg amputees to perceive prosthesis as part of their body. While amputees generally perceive their prostheses as heavy, this feedback helps them to ...

Medical research

Bionic leg is controlled by brain power

The act of walking may not seem like a feat of agility, balance, strength and brainpower. But lose a leg, as Zac Vawter did after a motorcycle accident in 2009, and you will appreciate the myriad calculations that go into ...


Amputees found to shy away from prosthetics

Local researchers have predicted several points in time in which lower-limb amputees may stop using their prostheses after they are discharged from rehab.

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