Medical research

How AI is revolutionizing medical science

Walk into Patrick Pilarski's lab and you immediately notice the robot arms and hands that lay casually on tabletops. You hear the soft whir of small motors as the fingers on these models curl, wave or extend. The motions ...

Medical research

Bionic leg is controlled by brain power

The act of walking may not seem like a feat of agility, balance, strength and brainpower. But lose a leg, as Zac Vawter did after a motorcycle accident in 2009, and you will appreciate the myriad calculations that go into ...


Amputees found to shy away from prosthetics

Local researchers have predicted several points in time in which lower-limb amputees may stop using their prostheses after they are discharged from rehab.

Medical research

Adaptable prosthetics for amputees

(Medical Xpress)—Approximately one in every 1,000 people in the UK is an amputee. Many lose their limbs as the result of tragic accidents or due to active military combat and for some amputees losing a limb is a loss of ...

Medical research

Sensor-laden glove helps robotic hands 'feel' objects

(HealthDay)—Holding an egg is a lot different from holding an apple or a tomato, and humans are naturally able to adjust their grip to avoid crushing or dropping each object.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Magnetic sensors to track muscle length

Using a simple set of magnets, MIT researchers have come up with a sophisticated way to monitor muscle movements, which they hope will make it easier for people with amputations to control their prosthetic limbs.

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