Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Freeze-framing the shape-shifting SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

The rod-like spike proteins on the surface of SARS CoV-2 are the tip of the spear of the COVID-19 pandemic. The spikes bind to human cells via the ACE2 receptor and then dramatically change shape, jack-knifing to fuse the ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Tracking down the cause of memory loss in Alzheimer's

Memory loss and confusion are signs of Alzheimer's disease. Physicists Serge Rombouts and Martina Huber have developed new methods to help medical science get to the bottom of this insidious disease.


Weight loss surgery may alter gene expression in fat tissue

Altered gene expression in fat tissue may help explain why individuals who have regained weight after weight loss surgery still experience benefits such as metabolic improvements and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. The ...

Oncology & Cancer

Notorious cancer protein mutations cooperate to proliferate disease

Understanding the genetic mutations and protein changes that take place in the progression of cancer is key to its treatment. Mutations in the gene TP53 and concomitant mutant p53 proteins in cancer cells have become notorious ...

Medical research

In science, it's better to be curious than correct

I'm a geneticist. I study the connection between information and biology—essentially what makes a fly a fly and a human a human. Interestingly, we're not that different. I've been a professional geneticist since the early ...

Medical research

A mechanism capable of preserving muscle mass

Skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue of the human body (about 40%) and it plays essential role in locomotion and vital functions (heart rate, breathing). During aging, in a large majority of individuals a loss of muscle ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tumor resistance is promoted by anti-cancer protein

Lack of oxygen, or hypoxia, is a biological stressor that occurs under various conditions such as wound healing and stroke. To rescue the tissue, the body has innate mechanisms that "kick in" to make the cells of the hypoxic ...

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