
Switching off anxiety with light

Receptors for the messenger molecule serotonin can be modified in such a way that they can be activated by light. Together with colleagues, neuroscientists from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) report on this finding in ...

Medical research

Researchers design variant of main painkiller receptor

Opioids, such as morphine, are still the most effective class of painkillers, but they come with unwanted side effects and can also be addictive and deadly at high doses. Designing new pain-killing drugs of this type involves ...


Popular antidepressant might prevent heart failure

A medication usually used to help treat depression and anxiety disorders has the potential to help prevent heart failure, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.

Medical research

Researchers identify important signaling molecule

An international team of scientists have provided insights into the working of a "signaling molecule", which will provide new strategies for medicines in areas such as pain medication.

Medical research

Research describes the differences between mice and humans

Research from King's College in London, UK, and Lund University in Sweden could explain why diabetes drugs which have worked in animal experiments are not equally successful in humans. The researchers discovered differences ...

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