Medical research

Looking beyond DNA to see cancer with new clarity

Researchers at UC San Francisco and UC San Diego have mapped out how hundreds of mutations involved in two types of cancer affect the activity of proteins that are the ultimate actors behind the disease. The work points the ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Good news, bad news from Alzheimer's vaccine trial

An experimental Alzheimer's vaccine appears to safely clear abnormal tau protein from the brain, but it's not yet clear whether the shot will be able to save brain function.

Medical research

NAD+ can restore age-related muscle deterioration

The older we grow, the weaker our muscles get, riddling old age with frailty and physical disability. But this doesn't only affect the individual, it also creates a significant burden on public healthcare. And yet, research ...


The uncharted molecular language of the brain

Neurons are responsible for receiving information from the outside world and conveying this information to the rest of our body. To work correctly, they need to communicate, which they do via synapses—specialized structures ...

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