Radiology & Imaging

This self-powered sensor could make MRIs more efficient

MRI scans are commonly used to diagnose a variety of conditions, anything from liver disease to brain tumors. But, as anyone who has been through one knows, patients must remain completely still to avoid blurring the images ...


Taking the guess work out of spinal surgery

Spinal fusion is a highly invasive surgery where an implant is placed in the spine to prevent movement between bones. The treatment has a high failure rate after only five years, however Te Whare Wānanga o Waitahi | University ...

Biomedical technology

Rapid, at-home prototype saliva test that's as good as RT-PCR

At-home COVID-19 tests have become an easy way to self-diagnose. But current tests have drawbacks, such as the length of time it takes to get an answer, or how accurately the test can identify a positive case. And most of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hugging a 'breathing' cushion to ease anxiety

Researchers have developed a huggable, cushion-like device that mechanically simulates breathing, and preliminary evidence suggests it could help reduce students' pre-test anxiety. Alice Haynes of the University of Bristol, ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Diagnosing pregnancy complications by monitoring placental oxygen

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have developed a prototype device that could potentially diagnose pregnancy complications by monitoring the oxygen level of the placenta. The device sends near-infrared light ...

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