Oncology & Cancer

Portable prostate cancer test may help reach underserved men

A highly portable and rapid prostate cancer screening kit could provide early warning to populations with higher incidence of prostate cancer and particularly those with limited access to health care, such as African American ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study: New prostate cancer test could avoid unnecessary biopsies

A urine test based on University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center research could have avoided one third of unnecessary prostate cancer biopsies while failing to detect only a small number of cancers, according to a validation ...

Oncology & Cancer

Increased risk of prostate cancer in men with BRCA2 gene fault

Men with the BRCA2 gene fault have an increased risk of prostate cancer and could benefit from PSA (prostate specific antigen) testing to help detect the disease earlier, according to researchers funded by Cancer Research ...

Oncology & Cancer

Noninvasive test improves detection of aggressive prostate cancer

A team of researchers from UCLA and the University of Toronto have identified a new biomarker found in urine that can help detect aggressive prostate cancer, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of men each year from ...

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