Oncology & Cancer

For psychiatric patients, cancer is often spotted too late

(HealthDay)—People with psychiatric disorders have a 30 percent higher death rate from cancer, even though they are no more likely to develop the disease than others. And the underlying reason may be relatively simple: ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Impact of caring for adult child with disability studied

(Medical Xpress)—Caring for an adult child with developmental disabilities or mental illness increased by 38 percent the chances that an aging parent would develop disabilities of their own, according to findings of a new ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Asperger's dropped from revised diagnosis manual

The now familiar term "Asperger's disorder" is being dropped. And abnormally bad and frequent temper tantrums will be given a scientific-sounding diagnosis called DMDD. But "dyslexia" and other learning disorders remain.


Childhood trauma leaves mark on DNA of some victims

Abused children are at high risk of anxiety and mood disorders, as traumatic experience induces lasting changes to their gene regulation. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich have now documented ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Community treatment of psych patients tied to less mortality

(HealthDay)—For patients with psychiatric disorders, community treatment orders correlate with a reduction in mortality, according to research published online Nov. 12 in CMAJ, the journal of the Canadian Medical Association.

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