Psychology & Psychiatry

Stable home lives improve prospects for preemies

As they grow and develop, children who were born at least 10 weeks before their due dates are at risk for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder and anxiety disorders. They also have a higher ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Some psychiatric patients are more frequent users of hospital ERs

Long waits for care in overcrowded U.S. emergency departments (EDs) are stressful for patients and care providers and increase the risk of adverse events and the costs of care. ED patients with psychiatric conditions, in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Youthful suicide attempts a marker for lifelong troubles

A study that tracked more than 1,000 New Zealanders from birth to age 38 has found that those who attempted suicide before age 24 have been plagued by more health and psychiatric issues and had more economic difficulties ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Physicians with medicine/psych training can help complex cases

(HealthDay)—Physicians boarded in both medicine and psychiatry can offer a way to address some of the challenges associated with caring for medical patients with psychiatric comorbidities, according to an article published ...

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