
Holograms reveal brain's inner workings

Like far away galaxies, powerful tools are required to bring the minute inner workings of neurons into focus. Borrowing a technique from materials science, a team of neurobiologists, psychiatrists, and advanced imaging specialists ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain scans appear to show changes associated with violent behavior

A brain imaging study suggests that men with a history of violent behavior may have greater gray matter volume in certain brain areas, whereas men with a history of substance use disorders may have reduced gray matter volume ...


The power of placebos

They may be uncomfortable talking about it, but it's definitely going on.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rethinking psychiatry

In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) will publish the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a thick, well-respected publication that contains the latest diagnostic criteria, ...

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