Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain scans appear to show changes associated with violent behavior

A brain imaging study suggests that men with a history of violent behavior may have greater gray matter volume in certain brain areas, whereas men with a history of substance use disorders may have reduced gray matter volume ...

Attention deficit disorders

Pediatricians vary widely in diagnosing ADHD, depression

(HealthDay)—There is a large variation in how often U.S. pediatricians diagnose and prescribe drugs for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other mental health conditions, a new study suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

In US, many with severe depression go untreated

The United States is a world leader in rates of antidepressant use, but as many as two-thirds of Americans with severe depression are not on medication, said a government study released Wednesday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Telepsychiatry initiative shows promising results

A statewide telepsychiatry initiative in South Carolina is changing the way that emergency psychiatric patients are treated, and preliminary results are encouraging.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Telepsychiatry found to be a resounding success in 5-year trial

John Nolan served in the U.S. Army and Marines and later worked in law enforcement and as a correctional officer. A career spent dealing with traumatic events led to post-traumatic stress disorder and insomnia. He felt like ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study explores bipolar in postpartum period

Researchers have long connected mood disorders and pregnancy. But a study coming out of Western is boiling down some of the specifics, suggesting women who suffered from depression prior to pregnancy should be monitored for ...

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