Psychology & Psychiatry

Can a computer teach babies to count?

When Jinjing Jenny Wang embarked on a two-year study to determine whether infants experience any cognitive benefits from watching someone count out loud on screen instead of in person, she had already seen what affect such ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Violence on TV: Effects from age 3 can stretch into the teen years

Watching violent TV during the preschool years can lead to later risks of psychological and academic impairment by the summer before middle school starts, according to a new study led by Linda Pagani, a professor at Université ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health is intergenerational

The mental health impacts of trauma and emotional distress may extend from parents to their children. Yet a positive history of well-being could also cross generations.


Technology that responds sensitively to people

How does work affect our daily lives and how does it affect our mental and physical health? How do technical solutions change people and how can devices be made more human-centric? A five-person team at the Fraunhofer Institute ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smacking children: What the research says

The question of whether it is ever acceptable to smack a child—hitting them with the flat inside of the hand with the aim of achieving compliance—is still highly controversial. In England, this controversy was recently ...

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