Psychology & Psychiatry

Children less likely to come to the rescue when others are available

Children as young as 5 years old are less likely to help a person in need when other children are present and available to help, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for ...


Teen concussions increase risk for depression

Teens with a history of concussions are more than three times as likely to suffer from depression as teens who have never had a concussion, finds a new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health.


EU urges 'legal highs' fight

The European Commission on Tuesday urged member countries to coordinate their fight against "legal highs", the use of medical drugs and industrial chemicals for recreation which has killed many unwary thrill-seekers.


Bedwetting treatments offer help

Bedwetting affects up to 20 percent of five year olds—the age when most children have learned bladder control—and can result in an array of stressful and embarrassing social, emotional and psychological problems.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are kids who take music lessons different from other kids?

(Medical Xpress)—Research by U of T Mississauga psychology professor Glenn Schellenberg reveals that two key personality traits – openness-to-experience and conscientiousness—predict better than IQ who will take music ...

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