Psychology & Psychiatry

Negative stereotypes about the poor hurt their health

(Medical Xpress) -- Adolescents who grow up in poverty are more likely to report being treated unfairly, and this perception of discrimination is related to harmful changes in physical health, reports a new Cornell study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

PTSD symptoms may be prevented with ketamine

Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers have found that a single dose of ketamine, given one week before a stressful event, can buffer against a heightened fear response.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reframing stress: Stage fright can be your friend

Fear of public speaking tops death and spiders as the nation's number one phobia. But new research shows that learning to rethink the way we view our shaky hands, pounding heart, and sweaty palms can help people perform better ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Diminishing fear vicariously by watching others

Phobias—whether it's fear of spiders, clowns, or small spaces—are common and can be difficult to treat. New research suggests that watching someone else safely interact with the supposedly harmful object can help to extinguish ...

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