
Faulty gene can delay or block puberty

More than 4% of adolescents suffer from early or late-onset puberty, which is associated with health problems including obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The findings of the study will make diagnosis easier ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Growth hormone plays key role in early puberty, breast cancer risk

When girls reach puberty at an unusually early age, they face a significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer later in life. Now, experts at Cincinnati Children's and the University of Cincinnati offer a new, unified ...

Medical research

Puberty turned on by brain during deep sleep

Slow-wave sleep, or 'deep sleep', is intimately involved in the complex control of the onset of puberty, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and ...


Earlier puberty linked to mother's smoking during pregnancy

If a mother smokes during pregnancy, there is a risk of her children starting puberty earlier. This is shown by a major study from Aarhus University, which has just been published in the international journal American Journal ...

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