
Third hand cigarette smoke not cause for panic

An Australian National University (ANU) researcher is warning against undue alarm as the concept of health concerns from third-hand-smoke - lingering residue from cigarettes - is starting to build momentum in Australia.


Researchers study inebriation at sporting events

In many western countries, public concern about violence and other problems at sporting events has increased. Alcohol is often involved. Research shows that approximately 40 percent of the spectators drink alcohol while ...


Communicating health risks in a post-truth world

Public officials faced with the tough task of communicating risk on contentious issues like vaccination or fluoridation - where the actual risk is low but public concern remains high - need to show that they care, demonstrate ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Greece: Blood donations curbed after malaria cases reported

Greece's health ministry says blood donations have been suspended at hospitals in several parts of the country following a spike in cases of malaria, linked to a high number of migrants traveling through the country.


Teens turn to Internet to cope with health challenges

At a time when teenagers are grappling with new and often confusing health concerns, the overwhelming majority—84 percent—turn to the Internet, according to the first national study in more than a decade to examine how ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Two new MERS deaths bring Saudi toll to 107

Saudi health authorities announced Wednesday two new deaths from the MERS coronavirus in the kingdom, where 16 more infections were also detected.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Egypt reports first case of MERS virus

Egyptian authorities have detected the first case of a dangerous SARS-like virus in the country, the state news agency said Saturday.

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