Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Russian internet giant offers free coronavirus tests

Russian internet giant Yandex has launched a free coronavirus testing service for the Moscow region as Russia boasts of one of the world's highest testing rates.


Dismay in France, land of Pasteur, over vaccine flops

News that France had fallen further behind in the race to develop COVID-19 vaccines caused dismay on Tuesday, reigniting a debate about the country's standing in the world and its scientific prowess.


Texas governor bans mandated COVID-19 'vaccine passports'

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott used his executive power Tuesday to ban state government and some private entities from requiring COVID-19 "vaccine passports" to access services, in the latest move from a Republican governor pitting ...


Public funding spurs couples to seek fertility treatment

(HealthDay)—Public funding of assisted reproductive technology, including in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, broadens the range of couples who seek treatment for infertility by attracting a more diverse population, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

US declares monkeypox a public health emergency

US President Joe Biden's government on Thursday declared monkeypox a public health emergency, a move that should free up new funds, assist in data gathering and allow the deployment of additional personnel in the fight against ...

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