Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Outside Europe, nations floundering in virus' first wave

As Europe begins its cautious reopening after weathering the pandemic's first wave in lockdown, many developing and middle-income countries continue to be battered by skyrocketing numbers of COVID-19 cases.


'Loss of pleasure' in teen sleep study

Sleep patterns around the world have been disrupted as screen time increases and sleep routines change with COVID-19 self-isolation requirements.

Medical research

Regulatory hurdles make HIV research less effective, experts say

A regulatory conundrum faces researchers trying to slow the spread of HIV among minors. Sometimes those researchers need consent from parents, a requirement that can leave some of the most endangered minors out of the picture.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

To combat COVID-19, behavioral pitfalls must be addressed

During any crisis, timely, and sometimes life-altering, decisions must be made, requiring an extreme amount of sound judgment under uncertainty. The Covid-19 pandemic is no different.

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