Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds virtual green space exposure beneficial to pregnant women

Pregnant women exposed to a green space environment in a virtual reality setting experienced decreases in blood pressure and improvements in mental health and well-being, according to a study led by the University of California, ...


Study shows blood pressure levels rose during pandemic

Adults with hypertension saw a small, but consequential, rise in their blood pressure levels during the first eight months of the COVID-19 pandemic, while the number of times they had their blood pressure measured dropped ...


Diabetes detection is far better than previous estimates

Diabetes can have major consequences for the health and quality of life of affected people, especially when left undiagnosed. Fortunately, doctors are able to diagnose the vast majority of patients, who can then receive treatment.


Hypertension in pregnancy is getting more common for Gen Z women

Gen Zers and millennials are about twice as likely to develop high blood pressure during pregnancy than women from the baby boom generation were, a new study finds. This includes conditions such as preeclampsia and gestational ...

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