Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers see hospitalization records as additional tool

Comparing hospitalization records with data reported to local boards of health presents a more accurate way to monitor how well communities track disease outbreaks, according to a paper published April 16 in the journal PLOS ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Hawaii adopts most extreme open records limits amid pandemic

Hawaii has the lowest COVID-19 infection rate of any state in the nation. It's also a pandemic standout for a more dubious reason: instituting the most extreme restrictions on the public's access to official records.


From publication bias to lost in information

The availability of clinical trial records has increased markedly in recent years. For instance, several documents from numerous sources are often available for a single clinical trial—sometimes with overlapping, but often ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Two Washington hospitals urge HIV tests after syringe swap

Two hospitals in Washington state are the latest to urge nearly 1,500 patients to get tested for hepatitis and HIV after a former surgery technician was charged with stealing and swapping a syringe in Colorado.

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