Medical research

Positive results for new oral drug for pulmonary hypertension

Living with pulmonary arterial hypertension is challenging, but the chore of treating the rare heart disease may change following promising clinical trial data to be published in the Dec. 24 issue of the New England Journal ...

Overweight & Obesity

Can a new drug brown the fat and trim the obese person?

New research has found that a variant of a drug used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension prompts weight loss in obese mice. Among mice fed a high-fat diet, those who did not get the medication became obese while medicated ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Unpicking the complexity of systemic sclerosis

In 2023, The European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology(EULAR) updated its recommendations for the treatment of systemic sclerosis (SSc), with many new inclusions around manifestations such as skin fibrosis and interstitial ...


Do you really need compression socks on long flights?

Since the dawn of the jet age, travelers have been warned about the risks of dangerous blood clots while flying. In recent years, those warnings have often been accompanied by advice to wear compression socks.

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