Psychology & Psychiatry

Being bullied can cause PTSD in children, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—Problems caused by bullying do not necessarily cease when the abuse stops. Recent research at the Universitiy of Stavanger (UiS) and Bergen's Center for Crisis Psychology in Norway shows that victims may ...


Research: Litigation costly in many ways

(Medical Xpress)—New research by Professor Frank Furedi of the University of Kent highlights the high social cost of today's 'culture of litigation' on health and education services.


First aid training for primary students has long-term benefits

"When children are given professional first aid training at primary school, the benefits can be felt long term. That's why training in the early years is so incredibly important," says Fritz Sterz from the University Department ...


Pupil dilation reveals sexual orientation: study

There is a popular belief that sexual orientation can be revealed by pupil dilation to attractive people, yet until now there was no scientific evidence. For the first time, researchers at Cornell University used a specialized ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Are Computer Tutors the key to learning for Autistic pupils?

A series of open days for school pupils with autism have been held at the University following a three-year-long project funded by EPSRC during which researchers worked with the youngsters to develop a computer-based tutor ...


Why Johnny can't run

(HealthDay) -- Mandates for physical education in most of the United States fall short of the guidelines set forth by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education, according to a new study.

Autism spectrum disorders

Saliva, pupil size differences in autism show system in overdrive

(Medical Xpress) -- University of Kansas researchers have found larger resting pupil size and lower levels of a salivary enzyme associated with the neurotransmitter norepinephrine in children with autism spectrum disorder.

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