
Using a shopping list may aid food desert residents

For residents of areas with limited access to healthy foods, also known as food deserts, multiple barriers exist that amplify the health risks of living in those areas. Likewise, risks for poor diet and being overweight or ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Experiences trump things, even before purchase

(HealthDay)—People derive value from the anticipation of purchasing something, and this anticipation tends to be greater for an experiential purchase than for a material purchase, according to a study published online Aug. ...

Overweight & Obesity

Boosting purchasing power to lower obesity rates

In January, as one of the first major initiatives of the Academic Vision, the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity will move to UConn from Yale University. The move will allow Rudd faculty to expand their work and build ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Experiences make you happier than possessions—before and after

To get the most enjoyment out of our dollar, science tells us to focus our discretionary spending on experiences such as travel over material goods. A new Cornell University study shows that the enjoyment we derive from experiential ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can money buy happiness? For some, the answer is no

Many shoppers, whether they buy material items or life experiences, are no happier following the purchase than they were before, according to a new study from San Francisco State University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Laying money on the line leads to healthier food choices over time

People are more likely to choose healthy options at the grocery store if they use the risk of losing their monthly healthy food discount as a motivational tool, according to new research published in Psychological Science, ...

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