Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

First ever state sepsis regulation in US tied to lower death rates

Death rates from sepsis fell faster in New York than expected—and faster than in peer states—following the introduction of the nation's first state-mandated sepsis regulation, according to an analysis led by University ...


Quality toolkit improves care in Indian hospitals

A simple toolkit of checklists, education materials and quality and performance reporting improved the quality of care but not outcomes in hospitals in the south Indian state of Kerala and may have the potential to improve ...


Longer CPR extends survival in both children and adults

Experts from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia were among the leaders of two large national studies showing that extending CPR longer than previously thought useful saves lives in both children and adults. The research ...


Bringing 'KAIZEN' to pediatric healthcare

Japan is a country known for its continuous quality improvement (KAIZEN) in manufacturing. Now doctors are bringing this philosophy to the medical field. In pediatric intensive care units (PICU), quality improvement (QI) ...

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