
Misidentification of medications indicates poor health outcomes

People who identify their blood pressure medications by shape, size and color instead of by name may risk poor blood pressure control and increase their risk of hospitalization, finds a recent study in the Journal of Health ...

Overweight & Obesity

Solving the pediatric obesity problem in rural communities

Using telemedicine to unite clinicians and provide health education for them—and by extension, their patients —is an effective way to manage childhood obesity in remote areas. For these communities, which often have limited ...


Majority of surgical residents object to regulated hours

(HealthDay)—About 65 percent of surgical residents report that they disapprove of the 2011 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Common Program requirements, which place restrictions on duty hours, ...


Physicians debate whether patients need to know they're dying

In the days when American physicians dispensed oracular commands and their judgments were rarely questioned, a doctor could take it upon himself with few ethical qualms to keep from a patient the bad news of a terminal diagnosis.


Emergency room redux for many patients after hospitalization

Following a hospitalization, patients face many challenges as they transition home. A new study of this vulnerable period published by Yale School of Medicine researchers in JAMA found that a substantial number of patients ...

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